Minecraft Server Donations

The server is up almost all the time, I run it off my laptop therefor it does have allot of downtime. Please donate with our donate button to help us buy an online host so i can always keep the server up 24/7.

Please donate to help us pay for an online server host, all contributions are most appreciated!



No Spamming, No Griefing, No Stealing or starting any shit. Respect other peoples creations and houses and feel free to build your own! Breaking of these rules will result in an instant ban or jail with no exceptions. But most importantly have fun! :) Also don't ask about being promoted to a higher rank, you will be promoted when an admin feels you deserve a higher rank.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hello Everyone! Welcome to our blog!

Thank you for checking out our page for our blog page for our Minecraft server, we will be making a YouTube and a Facebook page for our server as well, and we should be updating this blog periodically with information on our blog and videos we make.

Please feel free to join our server and build your own wonderful creations! Again the IP is We will also post pictures and videos of creations we feel deserve recognition on this blog, so get building!

Also donate so that we can get an online server host so that the server will be up more often, I currently run it off my laptop so I cant keep it up all the time. I will make a place on the sidebar to also thank anyone who for their contribution :)

Lastly I wont be on the server much for awhile(I am Foriamdeath69 and I am the main owner of the server) but Ns_NyKo who is the co-owner will be on the server most of the time to help you guys with anything you need. I'm too busy playing Star Wars: The Old Republic which for those who don't know is a new MMO just released from Bioware. Feel free to contact me if you play that as well ;)

Good Crafting!